
  • Inna DEMESHKO Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State University




word-forming morphonology, deverbatives, morphonological-forming markers, European integration discourse, European integration of Ukraine, explicit information, implicit information


The article is devoted to the study of the derivational potential of verb derivatives in the European integration discourse. This study identifies and characterizes the word-forming and morphonological features of verb derivatives at the explicit and implicit levels in Ukrainian scientific and journalistic texts related to the European integration of Ukraine. The purpose of the article is to analyze the morphonological-formative word-forming markers of verb derivatives in texts related to the European integration of Ukraine. The relevance of the topic is determined by the in-depth and comprehensive study of the European integration issues in Ukraine within texts of various styles, both explicitly and implicitly, in Ukrainian scientific and journalistic texts, focusing on the word-forming and mornophonological aspect. The texts dedicated to the European integration of Ukraine present productive types of deverbatives of substantive, verbative and adjectival blocks. The analysis of morphonological-formative word-forming markers of verb derivatives provides a description of the morphonological facts of deriving words using morphonological rules. The texts predominantly feature derivational and stylistic means characteristic of the modern Ukrainian language. Word formation of deverbatives in the European integration texts reflects the tendencies of intellectualization and democratization as factors of language development. The functioning and active usage of verb derivatives in the European integration discourse is explained by taking into account the societal needs for nominating processes, objectified actions, and phenomena with pragmatic orientation, as well as their utilization in scientific and journalistic styles. The narratives of the linguistic markers on social networks regarding the European integration of Ukraine mostly coincide with the narratives of the Ukrainian official media.


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How to Cite

ДЕМЕШКО, І. (2022). WORD-FORMING POTENTIAL OF DEVERBATIVES IN THE EUROPEAN INTEGRATION DISCOURSE: MORPHONOLOGICAL ASPECT. Folia Philologica, (4), 11-16. https://doi.org/10.17721/folia.philologica/2022/4/2


