
  • Оlha KOSTRYBA Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University



word-formation meaning, denumerative, word-formation nest, frame, subframe, slot, propositional structure, proposition


The article proposes to consider the cognitive aspect of the word semantics of derivatives with a mutational type of derivation in the intra-numerical word formation. The analysis is implemented by involving a propositional-semantic frame method that promotes cognitive modeling of derivatives of seven word-forming meanings, taking into account the hierarchy of frame structures (frame→ subframe → slot → three-element propositional scheme → three-component specific proposition). The presence of a significant action as one of the three constituents of the deep level of language, namely its core, is justified. The central predicate is inherent in derivatives with a mutational type of derivation, which are based on an event proposition. The thematic filling of word meanings of cognitive content is established, as well as verbalized slots, by which we understand the motivational seme of each lexical-semantic variant of the non-derived vertex numeral. It has been found that word meanings can be grouped based on mental slots or function based on a common theme. Additionally, their verbal manifestations have been identified. The word semantics of derivatives with a mutational type of derivation can be characterized by semantic increments, which are set within each lexical meaning, as well as increments at the level of propositions, namely left and right-sided actors and the predicate component. For the first time in Ukrainian studies, the emphasis has shifted from the description of frame structures represented by word nests to a word value that is established according to the onomasiological principle (taking into account the distinction of the functional-semantic category of quantity from the word semantics). This approach will facilitate a comprehensive description of word semantics, complementing the achievements of derivatology with cognitive discovery. As a result of this work, the actant components of propositions, represented by quantitative content, have been typologized. This enables the establishment of the cognitive aspect of word-formation semantics in derivatives derived from numerals. The prospects of this research also include data computerization, which will facilitate searching for words based on queries such as “frame”, “cognitive slot”, “verbalized slot”, “propositional scheme”, “proposition”, and “word-forming meaning”.


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