REFUGEE / MENEKÜLT, discourse analysis, narrative, new media, content analysis, conceptAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the concept REFUGEE / MENEKÜLT in the discourse of new media of Hungary in 2015, marked by the migration crisis in Europe. Based on the results of content analysis with the use of the “Big Data” technology, a discourse-forming role of the concept REFUGEE / MENEKÜLT has been proven in relation to the ratio of government and public positions. Hungary has formed a strategy of a “single voice” of official media and social networks which systematically implement the strategic narrative “Refugees are a threat to Hungary”(“Menekültek veszélyt jelentenek Magyarországnak”). Hungary's unified national communicative strategy of non-admittance of refugees and the corresponding discourse as a type of social behavior were laid down by national consultations (a referendum) and in V. Orbán's speeches. The narratives and thematic groups of linguistic markers of social networks regarding the concept REFUGEE / MENEKÜLT mostly coincide with the narratives and messages of the official media which relay the policy of the of Hungarian government of the day. The development of the strategic narrative is carried out according to the following structural blocks: abstract, climax, outcome, essessment, conclusion. The “single voice”policy on the issue of refugees was implemented in Hungary through various communicative channels with a focus on all target audiences.
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