genetic memory, ethnicity, linguistic features, ethno-anthroponymsAbstract
The article examines the transformational processes of preserving the ethnic authenticity of the human essence in the context of the historical development of statehood in Lithuania and Ukraine, which continue to function in the creative cooperation of modern sovereign states. Ukraine and Lithuania are long-standing and reliable partners not only in economic, political, scientific and cultural cooperation – they are united by a common history and ancient cultural processes. In Dnipropetrovsk region, with the assistance of the regional state administration, centers of representatives of various nationalities are actively functioning, among which the cultural and business center of Lithuania occupies an important place in the economic, scientific and cultural life of Ukraine. The purpose of the article is to highlight the enduring ethnic authenticity of Lithuanians and Ukrainians in the long-term state-building cooperation between Ukraine and Lithuania, encompassing the political-economic and scientific-cultural spheres of both ethnic groups. This is the first attempt to shed light on the relations between Ukrainians and Lithuanians from the point of view of the organization of their socio-historical formations in the state-building, economic, and cultural spheres of cooperation. Moreover, the question of the ethnic authenticity of both ethnic groups outside their homeland in the modern Ukrainian-Lithuanian discourse, unfortunately, has not become the subject of dedicated historical-linguistic research. The issue of preserving ethnic identity remains a highly relevant factor in modern globalization processes and requires a thorough study of its important social features that form mutual respect, creative cooperation, and a high spiritual culture of international relations, which will resist discord, enmity and aggressive intentions between representatives of different nationalities of our planet.
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