
  • Khrystyna DYAKIV Ivan Franko National University of Lviv




video interview, speech genre, genre passport, register characteristics, communicative meaning


The interview occupies one of the leading places among the dialogue genres of the media, as it concerns the directreceipt of information or perspectives from the heads of state’s point of view, as well as from experts in particular fields,athletes, artists. This is what determines the relevance of the interview genre research. The aim of this article is tosingle out video interviews as a speech genre (in German studies – a communicative genre), as well as to define itscommunicative organization and composition, namely communicative and pragmatic organization in general. For the first time, a model for analyzing the speech genre “video interview” has been created. For this purpose the “passport”of T. Shmelyova’s speech genre, register features and parameter of the general communicative meaning of F. Batsevychwere used. The composition of the video interview, its communicative purpose and general communicative meaning,specifics of communication channels (scope of the video interview, form of expression and dictum content), communicationspace and content of social roles of communicators (model of the interviewer and the respondent, as well as factorsof communicative past and future), tone of genre and parameters of language embodiment (verbal and nonverbal meansof video interviews). Video interviews are defined as a speech (communicative) genre with a certain established structure,namely an integrated informative version of the interview genre, which includes TV and special interviews stored onYouTube video hosting on the Internet, which are a public form of receipt by the interviewer information through questionson a particular topic (about the identity of the respondent, his thoughts on a particular problem or event) from a wellknownin the field respondent, who has a specific composition at different structural levels. By analyzing communicativegenres, it can be proved that the communicative practices of interaction participants are created by a specific interactivefocus on the types of texts and discourses.


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How to Cite

ДЯКІВ, Х. (2021). SPEECH GENRE “VIDEO INTERVIEW”: COMMUNICATIVE AND PRAGMATIC ORGANIZATION. Folia Philologica, (1), 20-28. https://doi.org/10.17721/folia.philologica/2021/1/3


