Peer Review Process

All articles submitted to the Editorial Board of Folia Philologica are subject to the peer-review procedure.

Steps of peer review:

  1. Authors should submit articles that meet the journal's requirements.
  2. Plagiarism Detection. All manuscripts submitted to the journal are subject to plagiarism checking. The level of the author's text originality is determined by means of the appropriate software.
  3. All manuscripts submitted to the Editorial Board are sent to reviewers. The Editor-in-Chief appoints the reviewers.
  4. Members of the journal’s Editorial Board act as reviewers.
  5. As a rule, within 3–5 days, the reviewer makes a conclusion about the possibility of publishing the article (they fill in a standard form containing final recommendations).
  6. The review is carried out confidentially based on double-blind review principle (neither the author nor the reviewer know each other). The author and reviewer communication is mediated by the executive editor.
  7. If the reviewer indicates a necessity to improve the article, the latter is sent to the author with a suggestion to consider the reviewer’s comments while preparing the improved version of the article or confute them justifiably. In a separate file the author should respond to all reviewer’s comments and explain all changes made in the article. The revised version is re-submitted to the reviewer for taking a decision and preparing a motivated conclusion on the possibility of publication.
  8. The final decision on the possibility and relevance of publication is taken by the Editor-in-Chief and, if necessary, by the Editorial Board.