Guidelines for Authors
The journal accepts articles, reviews, call for papers of scientific events complying with the journal’s scope. Every article is subject to anonymous peer review. An author is responsible for reliability of information, proper citations and references.
The journal accepts the manuscripts of doctors and candidates of science, academic staff, postdoctoral and postgraduate students, as well as individuals who have a university degree and are involved in academic activities.
Editors should not accept manuscripts which do not meet the specified requirements. Editors reserve the right to make editor’s alterations.
Length of the paper is 10–20 pages. Font – Times New Roman, size – 14, line spacing – 1.5, margins – all 2 cm, paragraph – 1.25 cm. Formatting paragraphs with spaces or tabs is not allowed. The authors should use straight inverted commas: "". Hyphenation is prohibited. Pages should not be numbered.
UDC index (universal decimal classifier) is placed in front of the title, a separate line, in the upper left corner. The author determines the UDC index.
Information about the author (authors) is indicated in English and Ukrainian after the UDC index (text width alignment) with the indication of surname and name, academic degree and academic title, position, place of work and its full address, e-mail of each co-author; line below – ORCID number (, Scopus-Author ID (indicated if indexed publications in Scopus are available) and the DOI (assigned by the editors). All information is given in nominative case. The name of the author (authors) is highlighted in bold and italics, other information – only in italics. Available in Ukrainian and English. The ORCID number and Scopus-Author ID are determined by the author.
Bibliographic description of the article (see template).
Abstract is submitted in Ukrainian and English (at least 1,800 signs with spaces each). If the article is submitted in Russian or Polish, the abstract should be submitted in three languages. The abstract should meet the requirements of scientometric databases as a structured abstract and should contain the following selected elements: aim, methodology, novelty, conclusions.
Key words – words from the text of the paper, which from the point of view of information retrieval carry a meaningful load. Key words are presented in nominative case in Ukrainian and English, a total number of keywords should not be less than three and more than seven.
Main body of the article should contain the following structural elements:
- topicality of the problem;
• analysis of recent research and publications (only a list of surnames is not allowed);
• aim and objectives;
• results and discussion;
• conclusions and prospects for further exploration of this issue;
• gratitude (to those who provided assistance during the research, e.g., institutions, organizations, foundations, individual employees, etc.);
• research funding;
• References.
In-text citations should be put in parentheses: author’s surname – comma – publication year – colon – pages (Бібіков, 2010: 25–34). References to several pages are presented simultaneously by a semicolon (Бібіков, 2010; Шевченко, 2007; Коваленко, 2015), indication of pages is optional.
List of references should include two parts:
References in the source language should follow the National Standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302: 2015 “Information and Documentation. Bibliographic Reference. General Principles and Rules of Composition”. DOI should be indicated if available as follows:
Біловодська О.А. Маркетингова політика розподілу : навч. посіб. Київ : Знання, 2011. 495 с.
Ілляшенко С.М. Аналіз ринкових можливостей і потенціалу інноваційного розвитку організації на базі екологічних інновацій. Маркетинг і менеджмент інновацій. 2012. № 3. С. 229–241.
The same References in English should follow the APA (American Psychological Association). The Ukrainian titles should be transliterated and translated into English as follows:
Bilovodska, O.A. (2011). Marketynhova polityka rozpodilu [Marketing distribution policy]. Kyiv: Znannia [in Ukrainian].
Illiashenko, S.M. (2012). Analiz rynkovyh mozhlyvostei i potencialu innovaciinoho rozvytku orhanizacii na bazi ekolohichnykh innovatsii [Analysis of market opportunities and organization potential of innovative development on basis of ecological innovation]. Marketynh i menedzhment innovatsii – Marketing and Management of Innovations, 3, 229–241 [in Ukrainian].
*Links for transliteration: Ukrainian.